Rainforest Patterns, Extended Edition
Natural patterns found in the foliage of the Costa Rican rainforest, extended via mirroring and duplication.

Shooting in a dense, busy environment like the rainforest in Costa Rica can be a challenge. There is just so much going on, and such a monolithic color scheme that it can be a challenge to find compositions. I remember feeling a little overwhelmed and even frustrated on this trip, as I tried to find ways to convey the mystery and beauty of such an amazing place. One thing I've always enjoyed doing is looking straight up when I'm in a forest, and it was there that I found some interesting opportunities. The backlit tree canopies made amazing patterns and shapes, and I knew that I had found my patterns at last. I set them aside for some time, and just recently revisited the images, turning each into a very high-contrast black and white pattern. After some time looking at them, it occurred to me that I might be able to extend the patterns I had found. By duplicating and flipping the images a few times, I was able to create some pretty interesting images with a lot of detail. They were shot with a Nikon D800, so they have a huge amount of resolution and potential to be printed quite large.